Multipurpose Gel System
Standard Models
BIOWORLD Multipurpose Gel System (Vertical,Immuno,Paper) (BIO- 7-01)
Dimension (21 Cm X 15 Cm X 18 Cm )
- Base Unit with detachable Platinum electrode
- Buffer Capacity – 350ml (Upper tank) + 250ml (Lower Tank)
- Glass Plate – 2 Sets,
- Graber Williams Template, Rocket Immuno Template, Counter Immuno Template
- Gel Puncher – 3,4,5mm OD – 1 No, Metal Clips – 1 Pack
- Teflon Comb – 7 Well (2 Nos) , Spacers – 1mm (4 Nos)
- Power Cords: 1Set; Safety Lid :1No & User Manual.
Vertical Cum Horizontal Gel System (BIO- 7-02)
Dimension (20 Cm X 15 Cm X 12 Cm )
- Base Unit with detachable Platinum electrode
- Buffer Capacity – 150ml (Upper tank) + 250ml (Lower Tank)
- Glass Plate – 2 Sets.
- Teflon Comb and acrylic – 8 Well (2 Nos Each) , Spacers – 1mm (4 Nos)
- Power Cords: 1Set; Safety Lid :1No & User Manual.